CSA Z809
In its role in providing wood procurement and forest management services for NorSask Forest Products LP, Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp Inc., and L&M Wood Products (2018) LP, Mistik recognizes the growing demand in the marketplace for third-party verification of sustainable forest management performance. In response to this marketplace demand, Mistik has achieved certification (August 2005) of its Forest Management Agreement (FMA) Area to the CSA Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Standard (CAN / CSA Z809). The CSA SFM Standard addresses the following 17 elements:
- Conserving ecosystem diversity;
- Conserving species diversity;
- Conserving genetic diversity;
- Respecting protected areas and identifying sites of special biological significance within the DFA, and implementing management strategies appropriate to their long-term maintenance;
- Conserving ecosystem resilience;
- Conserving forest ecosystem productivity and productive capacity;
- Conserving soil resources;
- Conserving water resources;
- Maintaining processes that take carbon from the atmosphere and store it in forest ecosystems;
- Protecting forest lands from deforestation or conversion to non-forests;
- Managing the forest sustainability to produce an acceptable and feasible mix of both timber and non-timber benefits;
- Contributing to the sustainability of communities by providing diverse opportunities to derive benefits from forests and to participate in their use and management;
- Promoting the fair distribution of timber and non-timber benefits and costs;
- Recognizing and respecting Aboriginal and treaty rights;
- Respecting traditional forest values and uses identified through the Aboriginal input process;
- Demonstrating that the SFM public participation process is designed and functioning to the satisfaction of the participants;
- Providing relevant information to interested parties.
The CSA Z809 SFM Brochure is available for download in PDF file format below.
If you have questions about Mistik’s CSA SFM program please contact Mistik via the contact page in this web site.
Click here to view a copy of Mistik’s CSA certificate which is available in PDF file format.
CSA Z809 Forest Certification Documents
FSC® Chain of Custody
To view content about Mistik’s FSC® Chain of Custody program, click here.
FSC® Forest Management
To view content about Mistk’s FSC® Forest Management program, click here.